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WHAT usually makes a shopping spree more pleasurable is who you choose to actually go shopping with.

Let's face it, while some people are a joy to shop with, while others are not. Others are just dead weight that you wish you would have left behind.

But who are the best and worst people to take shopping with you, and why?

Celebrity stylists Mahlatse James and Jerry Mokgofe shed some light on who is a joy to take shopping, and who is an absolute nightmare.

We are all too familiar with these four shopping buddies:

The grumpy boyfriend/husband

They always complain about being dragged to the mall. It is an absolute pain for them to watch you shopping up a storm, and they often find themselves slumped on the couch outside the fitting room, counting the minutes until you finally get out, only to offer you little or no opinion about how that dress looks on you.

James says that believe it or not, there can be some advantages to shopping with a grumpy partner.

"Because they are a glass-half-full type of person, I suppose I can say that in a very twisted way, they save you money because at some point you go easy on the shopping and tend to care for their needy nature.

"They can also save you a lot of time because they are all about the bottom line, so you do not spend countless hours being indecisive," says James.

"The disadvantage with this person is that shopping is meant to be fun, so by all means, avoid anyone who would pour cold water on your shopping experience."

The mean-disguised-as-honest friend

Mokgofe says that although this friend is not good for your ego, they can help you not to embarrass yourself.

"This is the one friend who always keeps it real and has no filter. They are not good for stroking your ego but great when it comes to saving your reputation.

"Although more than you would like to admit it, they always tell you the truth. The problem is this friend has zero timing and sometimes you could do with a little bit of white lies than being told [the] truth," he says.

Mokgofe says the only disadvantage with this friend is that there is such a thing as being too honest.

Although most times they tell the truth, sometimes you do not want to be constantly reminded of the negatives."

The "take it all" friend

To this friend, "budget" is a nasty rumour. They encourage you to shop till you drop.

James says no one knows about inconvenience quite like this lot.

"They always excuse every impulsive purchase with "where else are you going to find jeans that work as a wonder-bra for your thighs?

"The only advantage is that they serve [the] gluttonous nature of gathering heaps of clothing.

"A disadvantage would be that they come dangerously close to making you a shopaholic.

"They teach you not to have impulse control, which can often leave you with a fabulous wardrobe - but broke!"

The scrub friend

This friend is always available to accompany you to the shops, although sometimes your time with them comes at a hefty price.

Mokgofe says this friend is a user. "They know you need their company to go shopping, therefore you are at their mercy. They will tell you they have nothing to wear, then you will borrow them something to wear and believe me you are not getting it back.

"You always end up footing their taxi fare to and from the mall. Refreshments and lunch at the mall will also be on you."

Mokgofe says the only advantage with this friend is that they are always available and keen to accompany you. "When the shopping is done, you can spend the rest of the day giggling and trying on clothes with your friend."

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