BUSTY: Breast size is hereditary
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We hear it all the time: "You have your father's eyes", or "you inherited your aunt's big nose".

We are all accustomed to inheriting certain physical attributes from our families. But just like we inherit characteristics from our parents, we can equally inherit some of their health problems.

While it may be common knowledge that cancer, heart disease and asthma can be passed on from one generation to the next, what are some other conditions and traits we are not aware of that are genetic?

General practitioner Dr Mmabatho Mashigo sheds some light on other conditions that may be passed onto us genetically.

Early Menopause

According to Mashigo, you are more likely to experience early menopause if your mother went through it.

"Menopause happens when ovaries no longer release eggs, causing menstruation to stop.

"The normal age at which this happens is usually 50 and above, but more and more young women are finding themselves experiencing early menopause, and a number of triggering factors are known, things such as smoking.

"However, early menopause has been known to be passed on genetically. This means that if your mother or grandmother experienced early menopause, you are more than likely to go through it too."

Early ejaculation

"People have often wondered if sexual impotence or early ejaculation are hereditary disorders, and researchers have said that they have located a genetic reason for the condition of premature ejaculation.

"This could mean that if you are experiencing early ejaculation, your forefathers could have gone through the condition too.

"My advice is to seek help from the Men's Clinic if you are suffering from the condition, and not dismiss it as just a hereditary feature, as some other factors could be the cause," Mashigo says.

Pathological lying

Ever had someone tell blatant lies for no apparent reason, even if it's of no benefit to them? Well, there may be a hereditary link.

But in this instance, it may not be a genetic disorder, but rather a learnt behaviour.

Clinical psychologist Amanda Tsimane says that compulsive lying is one trend in the long list of antisocial personality disorders children can grow up with.

"It is the same principle as how a child growing up in a dysfunctional environment, where alcoholism and physical abuse are prevalent, is more than likely to raise their children the same way."

Tone deafness

Watch a simple episode of a singing competition and you will realise that some people are tone deaf, period!

But it may actually not be their fault.

Mashigo says that tone deafness is a genetic condition.

"There has been some research that showed that tone deafness is a genetic condition.

"This means that if one or both parents are tone deaf, their child is more than likely to be tone deaf as well.

"Tone deafness is not a disease, but rather a neurotic disorder where a person is unable to differentiate one pitch of sound from another," Mashigo says.

Breast size

"Breast size is hereditary, but it may not be as clear as you think. For starters, breast size is not only determined by your mother's side of the genetic pool, but also your father's. And it happens at random.

"What this means is that you may not get your mother or grandmother's breast size, but could find yourself with your dad's sister's breast size, or even his great grandmother," Mashigo says.

Penis size

Perhaps the most controversial from the list, penis size is apparently genetic.

Yes, this means you can either thank - or berate - your parents for the size of your package.

"Just like breast size, penis size is not directly inherited from only the father's genes.

It can be passed down from both parents' side of the family."

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