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My fiancé and I have been together for two years and engaged for six months.

He was engaged to another woman, and that ended four years ago.

The problem I have is with his mother, she absolutely hates me.

I have tried everything to win her over. She has tried everything to break us up. I once tried to speak about this to my fiancé and he said I was being too sensitive and that she will eventually love me.

Well, that was two years ago and it slowly gets worse every time I am in her company.

She is a single parent and adores her son and he also loves her so I would not dream of driving a wedge between them.

Recently she invited us over. I was surprised because she would often only extend the invitation to her son and he will then insist that I go with him.

When we arrived, there was another woman with his mother.

I realised that my fiancé knew this woman and when he introduced the woman to me I realised that this was his ex-fiancée.

Needless to say it was extremely awkward. His mother had done this on purpose.

She is a wicked woman and I have really had enough.

Angry, Polokwane

This is such a sad situation. I suggest that you have a serious discussion with your fiancé.

Tell him that you understand how difficult it is for him to be caught in the middle of all this conflict.

He must understand that this is becoming intolerable for you, particularly when she is so disrespectful as to invite his ex-fiancée and you to her house at the same time.

Obviously you cannot expect him to stop seeing his mother, but possibly if you face her together, united when you speak to her, and explain that she cannot carry on behaving in this manner.

She doesn't have to be your close friend but as long as you have behaved properly towards her then you should be able to accept the same treatment from her.

Together you need to show an interest in her life, what she is doing and possibly where you share the same interests.

Phone her just to ask her how she is and sometimes on weekends the two of you can take her out somewhere.

She probably doesn't have malicious intentions and is just trying to do the best she can for her only son, and ultimately for herself, although that should not be her main aim.

She might be insecure, fearing that once you are married then she will not see her son as much.

Good luck.

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