Picture Credit: www.huffingtonpost.com
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Do you suffer from the monkey-on-the-back syndrome like in the Chicken Licken Hotwings TV Ad where you get the insatiable craving to go snooping on your partner's mobile device(s)?

Yes, men are guilty of this "I can't help it" phenomenon too, but for the sake of argument let's focus of women's constant need to go through their mates' phones.

As soon as your man exits the room, even if it's for a split-second, you get the unusual shakes and sweats like a heroin junkie suffering from withdrawals. So relationship after relationship, snooping becomes the drug of your choice.

Firstly, if you go snooping there is no doubt that you will find something; varying from harmless What's App flirtations to your boyfriend's kinky porn habits off his browser history, secret baby mamas and suspicious contact lists given mysterious alias.

So you are most definitely guaranteed mental problems and sleepless nights.

Let's say you finally garner some courage to confront your man about whatever you discovered, you are never going to win the argument. Right off the bet, he is going to twist the knife and pullout the "you are crazy and paranoid" card, that by the end you will be ready to enlist yourself into a mental asylum.

But above all, the issue of trust in a relationship and invasion of privacy is at play here. Once your mate finds out about your unhealthy escapades, how do you think this is going to impact your relationship? Do you expect him to understand?

Like Lady Gaga once said trust is like a mirror, you can fix it once broken, but you can still see the cracks in the wrong doer's reflection.

Think of it like this, there’s nothing men hate more like a woman who snoops.

Just to paint a picture, that feeling is the equivalent of how much you hate it when your man takes a side in the natural hair vs. weaves debate.

Often enough, men don't even give women a reason to snoop. Stay woke, sometimes; it has everything to do with modelling the pain and insecurities of your previous relationships when you have a fine brother ready to make an honest woman out of you.

Learn to differentiate between female intuition and insecurity. Wash your hair of this terrible act, that would be punishable by being alone and lonely for the rest of your life. Wash, rinse and repeat.

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