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Kaya FM's sports anchor Mosibudi Whitehead is doing a selfless act this weekend.

He'll compete in one of the world's biggest ultra marathons on behalf of his friend who has been diagnosed with prostate cancer.

"I'm doing this to raise awareness about prostate cancer because it's something men don't really know about. I'm hoping to do well, though I'm a little scared," he said.

He has been preparing for the race for the past four months now although he’s no stranger to the sport after competing in the Comrades Marathon previously.

Whitehead is participating on behalf of Thulani Sibisi, who won the competition in 1986.

"He was diagnosed in 2013 and it's been really tough for him," said Whitehead of Sibisi.

"Whatever proceeds we make from the race will go towards the mobile testing unit."

“The testing unit will go to townships and other places to help educate men about the condition.”

"We chose to use the race to create awareness because exercising helps in preventing prostate cancer."

Whitehead will be wearing a blue vest on Saturday because he's part of the ‘More Balls Than Most’ campaign, a brother to the Pink Drive which raises awareness about breast cancer.




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