DYNAMIC: A view of Johannesburg, regarded as South Africa's foremost cityPhoto: Moeletsi Mabe
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JOHANNESBURG may live in the shadow of that city that lies below Table Mountain, but an international index has voted Jozi the second most-inspiring city in the world.

The 2014 Good City Index has placed Johannesburg just behind Hong Kong.

This is the second time that the US-based Good magazine has run the index.

The first time around Johannesburg came in at sixth place.

Joburg was one of three African cities featured in the index's Top 20 list. The other two were Nairobi (Kenya) and Dakar (Senegal).

Jozi scored high in all the categories used to rank cities including hub of progress, city engagement, street life, defining moments, connectivity, green life, diversity and work-life balance.

Data were collected by a network of correspondents.

"The city gives those who give it the time of day a chance to step in and own a small pocket of something - an idea, a space, a view or a solution," is how the magazine describes the City of Gold.

The magazine picked out several reasons why Joburg stands out above 50 other cities.

One of these was the city's radical solution to deal with its rat problem in Alexandra and Marlboro.

The index also singled out the Newtown Junction that was launched in September and has had an influence on street life.

"Boasting restaurants, a cinema and various retail stores that you can access by simply walking off the street (a rarity in car-filled Joburg), the Junction is a mixed-use space that includes prime office space, a gym and a fine art gallery promoting the development of local artists," the magazine reads.

Also highlighted were bike lanes in Soweto, the reclamation of under-utilised spaces in the inner city for sports facilities and the first mobile WiFi library.

M ayor Parks Tau is happy.

"This shows that our efforts as a city at work to promote socio-economic transformation are making an impact, not only locally but also internationally," he said in statement.

The other cities Joburg muscled out were Mexico City at three and New Orleans at seven. Cape Town came in 25th.


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