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LEGENDARY TV comedian actor Joe Mafela is among hundreds of hearing-impaired people who are being given hearing enhancement devices to improve the quality of their lives.

The hearing aids were given by Danish aid organisation GN Resound, global health care solutions company Broadreach and the local health department.

Mafela, speaking during a handing-over ceremony at Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital in Diepkloof, Soweto, yesterday said although his personal situation was not "that bad", he was happy to have been among the 349 recipients in Gauteng and Kwazulu-Natal.

"I hated that I have to constantly ask people to speak up whenever we are having a conversation," Mafela said. "I would increase the volume of the television set. It was only then that I realised that I needed to boost my hearing. But, I would not use this when acting."

Soweto resident Bongani Phewa was also relieved that the hearing aid would help him to lead a normal life. "I am glad I will hear better now," Phewa said.

"I have had to familiarise myself with reading people's lips when they were talking to follow what they were saying better. Now, things are different."

Gauteng health department official Phila Mazamisa said the donation would help reduce the waiting list for hearing-impaired people needing hearing aids.

"We appreciate the donation and at least for now we won't have people on the waiting list," Mazamisa said. "We would help people as they come."

Mazamisa said about 2.5million South Africans had hearing problems, and appealed to parents and guardians to take children six months and older for check-ups.

Asked why they chose Mafela, Mazamisa said he was a role model, and they wanted to show people there was nothing wrong with wearing a hearing aid.

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