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This is Andile Gaelesiwe's response:

"I wish to thank Sowetan for being afforded a reply to the article [Andile 'hid' rape suspect - victim says presenter helped] posted on Tuesday March 15 2016.

"I have been encumbered ever since [the article] with hardship and bombarded with questions by my employer, funder for my sexual violence organisation and victims of sexual crimes for which I have been a hope symbol.

"To clear the air, no, I did not harbour a 'rapist'. The rumours: my uncle is my mom's brother. They were estranged until February 2016.

"During February my uncle, the alleged rapist, and mom regrouped and bonds were mended.

"During that time I was admitted to hospital for severe back pain.

"I drove myself to the hospital to seek a medical opinion, which resulted in me being admitted for 20 days.

"My uncle grabbed the opportunity and visited, to salvage our relationship and to confide in me regarding his intention to court his wife again as he did not want a divorce.

"I supported his intention, as I know the hardship a divorce can cause.

"During the visit I made mention that my car was still at the hospital.

"He offered to take my car home and, to show good faith in his intentions, I took him up on his offer.

"I am told that he went to Soweto with my car, but cannot attest to this.

"I believe this is where the rumour started.

"In response to my reaction to the journalist about my uncle's wife on the Sunday in question, I was caught off guard and at first thought that it was a cruel joke.

"My partner made me aware that it might be a journalist, and I only realised that it was when John Robbie of Radio 702 referred to the article on Tuesday morning.

"I was dumbstruck by the allegations as they held no truth, and I was not aware of my uncle's visit to Soweto at the time.

"I acted out of shock and texted my uncle's wife as I immediately acknowledged the damaging effect the rumour would have, being a rape activist and victim of such crimes myself.

"I do not wish to speak out on the reasoning behind my uncle's wife's conduct, as I am not in position to speak on her behalf.

"I wish to extend my condolences to her if she was indeed a victim of such a horrible crime."

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