Leonardo DiCaprio has revealed he was once told by an agent to change his name to Lenny Williams as his moniker was ''too ethnic'' and could stop him getting work.

The 'Revenant' star was just 11-years-old when an agent suggested he changed his name to Lenny Williams as his birth moniker was ''too ethnic'' and might stop him getting work.

He recalled: ''Yeah, when I was 11 years old, when I first wanted to be an actor professionally. We went to an agent and they wanted to change my name to Lenny Williams. ''They felt my name was too ethnic and I wouldn't get as many jobs. So that thwarted me from being an actor for a number of years. I tried again two years later when I was 13 and got an agent to accept me with my name.''

The 41-year-old actor also insisted he never got into acting for fame's sake and has just wanted to produce good films. He told ShortList magazine: ''A lot of people may look at what I've done career-wise and say that there was a period in which I tried to possibly become a movie star, per se, [and] tried to go for much bigger pictures.

 ''The truth of the matter is, there was a period of time, very early on, when I started watching films and having heroes in the industry, actor-wise. But I feel I've been consistent about my dreams and what I wanted to be as an actor.''

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