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A lot of eyebrows were raised over the weekend when Amanda du-Pont gave rapper Cassper Nyovest some lip action.

The 26 year-old actress and the ‘Doc Shebeleza’ hitmaker kissed on stage at the Channel O Music Video Awards.

She has however poured cold water on rumours that the two are officially dating, saying that she is an entertainer and a good actress.

She said that they did kiss but they are simply good friends.

“He has never been shy to show admiration to me but I don’t think he wants me.

“I am an entertainer and I entertain people. That is just what I was doing,” she said.

After being asked about the passion in the kiss and the possibilities of people reading more into it, Amanda said there is nothing to read.

“I am an actress and I am passionate about acting. I mean even if I was in relationship, it doesn’t work to put it out there unless it’s marriage,” said Amanda.


The two had been praying about the Channel O Awards for a while and even got their families to pray with them.

“We prayed for those awards and I am very proud of him,” she said.

“His family and my family were also praying for him.”

Asked about how she sees Cassper as a person and a rapper, she said she that she’s happy to have him in her life as a lot of people in the entertainment industry do not support each other.

“He is a phenomenal gift of God and has achieved what a lot of people who have been in the industry for long have not achieved.

“He is an example of what God can do for your life,” she said.

Amanda congratulated both Cassper and AKA on their Channel O awards and said they should consider making a song together.

“I am not involved in their beef and I love both of them. Just imagine if they would make a song together.. iyoooooh,” she said in excitement.

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