Nicole Scherzinger
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Nicole Scherzinger says she is 'recklessly ambitious' but admits she wasn't able to enjoy her success in her twenties.

The 36-year-old star, who has been in an on-again, off-again relationship with British Formula One driver Louis Hamilton for six years, wasn't able to enjoy her success when she was a member of The Pussycat Dolls, but says she is much happier these days. The 'Your Love' hitmaker told the UK's The Guardian newspaper: ''My 20s were fruitful but not enjoyable.

Being in The Pussycat Dolls was probably my loneliest time because I was quite insatiable. Nothing was ever good enough and I didn't know how to take a break. My 30s have definitely been more chillaxed.''

But she added: ''I'm recklessly ambitious. In America, ambition is a good thing - it's hunger, it's drive. I hate it when people use the word negatively.'' The former 'X Factor' judge also admits she has always been very emotional. She said: ''My nickname at school was Crybaby. Sometimes I can cry just talking because something means so much.

And when I'm really hurting I just sob - a bit like someone is dying. I'm emotionally intense.'' Despite still being excited about her career, the brunette beauty is already dreaming of her retirement. She said: ''I live by the 'Aloha spirit'. My soul is in Hawaii, where I was born.

It's basically having heart and compassion for others. I can imagine retiring there, wearing a muumuu [a loose Hawaiian dress] and spending my days on a paddleboard.''

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