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Singer Rihanna has had another secret meeting with her violent ex-boyfriend Chris Brown.

Chris - who was convicted of assaulting the singer three years ago - visited her house in Los Angeles this week ahead of her interview with Oprah Winfrey.

A source told The Sun newspaper: "They are getting on really well at the moment and spent time catching up and relaxing".

"He's watched clips of her interview with Oprah and seems to be touched."

A section of the interview shows Rihanna in tears over the assault.

She said: "It was humiliating. It was a confusing space to be in because as angry as I was, I just felt like he made that mistake because he needed help, and who's going to help him?"

The 24-year-old singer ended her relationship with the 'Yeah 3x' hitmaker in February 2009 after he assaulted her but still has fond memories of their time together, which began in late 2007.

She said: "I'm reminded of a lot of things. A lot of good memories. The slightest things...hotel rooms, tour venues, any little thing, music [and] songs. I do miss him at times."

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