ARIES: March 21 - April 21

ARIES: March 21 - April 21

If boredom overwhelms you at this point, it will make sense to take some time off or to turn your attention to an entirely different line of activity. Your current lack of success can probably attributed to either staleness or tedium. (PHONE 083-914-0501 sms ARI to 34703)

TAURUS: April 21 - May 21

Faced with difficult decisions, you will court controversy however you decide. Fate is cruel in some respects and this is an emotional time as well. You are experiencing stress because you cannot get any sense out of a certain person.(PHONE 083-914-0502 sms TAU to 34703)

GEMINI: May 21 - June 22

Pull back from involvement with a person who clearly stops at nothing to gain an unfair advantage or you will soon enough rue that association. Be wary of new information fed to you, as it may be false and meant to hamper or mislead you. (PHONE 083-914-0503 sms GEM to 34703)

CANCER: June 22 - July 23

You are urged to tiptoe around difficulties because you will be greatly plagued by whatever you kick against and disturb; should leave it strictly alone when trouble goes to sleep. This is an unhealthy time to be argumentative.(PHONE 083-914-0504 sms CAN to 34703)

LEO: July 23 - August 24

Outdated thinking could render you vulnerable in this changing world. You have to be positive, progressive and purposeful, must keep abreast of new developments in order to be a telling factor in your chosen occupation.(PHONE 083-914-0505 sms LEO to 34703)

VIRGO: August 24 - September 23

A burning topic and a difficult situation tests your ingenuity and resolve at this juncture. It will pay you to look at your dilemmas from all sides before making choices. There are always at least two views to consider.(PHONE 083-914-0506) (sms VIR to 34703)

LIBRA: September 23 - October 23

A difficult time to get through unless you adopt a positive mental attitude. You have to contend with disappointments and obstacles yet must get on with your life. A show of confidence should make such handicaps manageable.(PHONE 083-914-0507) (sms LIB to 34703)

SCORPIO: October 23 - November 23

Your prospects could be much better than they currently are. Humdrum activities are liable to claim much too much of your attention. Your handling of even smallest details could be upset by a string of unexpected annoyances.(PHONE 083-914-0508 sms SCO to 34703)

SAGITTARIUS: November 23 - December 22

Ask to see the colour of the other person's money if you must do any business deals. This is a risky term for putting any of your assets on the line. You will despair unless you get solid confirmations and warrantees.(PHONE 083-914-0512 sms PIS to 34703)

CAPRICORN: December 22 - January 21

Anticipate a session in which pandemonium often holds sway. Stay calm because you must keep your wits about you to deal with those perpetuating the disorder. Tough reaction and nothing less is recommended. (PHONE 083-914-0510 sms CAP to 34703)

AQUARIUS: January 21 - February 20

You have your chance to prove that you are affectionate and generous in relation to your loved ones. Life on the home front is apt to be rather trying at this time. Once again you are required to make sacrifices for certain people. (PHONE 083-914-0511 sms AQU to 34703)

PISCES: February 20 - March 21

Misunderstandings might be rife since you are now apt to be self-centred; and inclined to judge others rather differently as a consequence. Then again, you yourself may currently be judged by different standards by a stuck-up person.(PHONE 083-914-0512 sms PIS to 34703)

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