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I'M not a great fan of reruns - especially of overseas shows on our local TV screens - but there are always some exceptions.

So I welcome the return of the US show, VIP (Vallery Irons Protection). It had a successful season on SABC five years ago but it's back on e.tv this time around.

The show airs on Sunday at 11am and offers a witty comedy mixed with action and drama.

There's nothing really new about it but it's one of those classic detective series that makes for great viewing.

The series features the curvy Pamela Anderson and also includes Molly Curver, Tasha Dexter, Natalie Raitano, Nikki Franco, Angelle Brooks, Shaun Baker and Leah Lail.

But with all the craziness that goes down it's not to be taken that seriously.

Anderson's Barbie doll image makes for some smart dialogue - while Tasha is the one who always saves the day with her exceptional police skills.

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