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ACTOR Macks Papo is back in mainstream acting on stage and on television.

In the theatrical masterpiece Rivonia Trial, which is running at the South African State Theatre, he plays struggle stalwart Walter Sisulu.

Sisulu was arrested with his comrades at Lilies Leaf Farm in Rivonia, Johannesburg, in 1963.

The events that unfolded on that fateful day, which resulted in life imprisonment for those arrested, including former president Nelson Mandela, is being played out on stage.

Papo plays Sisulu with great skill, bringing the revolutionary, who was known to be a quiet man, to life with grace and charisma.

"The team that put this play together gathered an intense amount of research material, making it easier to understand the role of Sisulu," Papo says.

"I got to know that he was a quiet but thoughtful man. I concluded that if I were to play him authentically (as a quiet man) it was not going to work on stage.

" I asked the producers if they would let me use poetic licence to inject energy and charisma into Sisulu.

"The directors and producers agreed and that is how I managed to pull through the character of Sisulu. The feedback has been great," Papo says.

He says he was lucky to have met Sisulu in 2002 when he performed at the late leader's 90th birthday.

He says that meeting inspired him because Sisulu said something that touched him.

"Sisulu said the problem with black people is that they are lazy to think. In a way, those words challenged me personally.

"At the time I was doing pretty well, acting in Egoli, assured of a salary every month.

"I thought, well, I too was just like the other black people Sisulu was talking about," he says.

As a result of Sisulu's enlightening words Papo decided to do more with his life.

He started a theatre company, Mudapothe Productions, the next year.

"Mudapothe Productions is a deeply spiritual, proudly African, physical theatre company.

"I am back in action and am currently acting in Rhythm City with veteran actor Peter Sephuma," Papo says.

"I started with a cameo role in 2007 and now my role is becoming increasingly popular."

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