Amcu president Joseph Mathunjwa. Photo: Tsheko Kabasia
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Talks between trade union Amcu and platinum miners to resolve a wage strike are expected to resume on Friday.

The Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union rejected a new wage offer tabled by Lonmin, Anglo American Platinum and Impala Platinum on Wednesday as it was not close to the workers' demand of a R12,500 monthly salary.

Amcu's national co-ordinator Evans Ramokga said workers earned R5000, and the union suggested that the R7500 gap be closed over three years, after which workers would ultimately earn the proposed R12,500.

Treasurer Jimmy Gama said the union would take a new mandate from workers and table a proposal to the platinum companies when they met on Friday.

The strike in the North West platinum belt was in its second week. The platinum companies said hundreds of millions of rands had already been lost as a result of the strike.

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