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COSATU is calling for a "once-off" presidential remission of R200,000 to help "all black-listed South Africans" have a new start in life.

The remission, which was proposed by NUM and Sadtu - and campaigned for by the SA Communist Party, was robustly debated yesterday and adopted as one of the long list of the trade federation's resolutions.

The initial proposal, contained in Cosatu's 255-page resolutions document, had called for such a remission to be granted to all South Africans who have been blacklisted and are struggling to either do business or get a job as a result.

"South Africans deserve a clean start to their credit records, more specifically with the promulgation of the National Credit Act and the process of all the office of the National Credit Regulator," the proposal read.

If people or companies involved in committing crimes against humanity during apartheid could be forgiven through the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, tax dodgers granted tax amnesty by the Receiver of Revenue, and convicted criminals granted amnesty via President Jacob Zuma's remission of sentences, then the call for such a proposal was legitimate, Cosatu said.

The call, if supported by the government, would give blacklisted South Africans a maximum grant of R200,000.

The proposal also called for a strike to demand for the "once-off credit amnesty".

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