BBC cancels Fifa presidential debate

28 January 2016 - 11:26
By unknown

ZURICH - Britain's BBC has abandoned plans to stage a televised debate with the five candidates vying for the presidency of Fifa after one declined to take part and others imposed conditions.

ZURICH - Britain's BBC has abandoned plans to stage a televised debate with the five candidates vying for the presidency of Fifa after one declined to take part and others imposed conditions.

The broadcaster had hoped to stage the debate in London in mid-February, two weeks before election in Zurich on February 26, but confirmed in a statement that it would no longer go ahead.

The BBC highlighted a comment on Twitter by presenter Victoria Derbyshire, who said the decision was made after one candidate had declined to take part. "We've pulled our live head-to-head TV debate with Fifa presidential hopefuls. After one declined, some others wanted to, um, move the goalposts," she said. - Reuters