Skirmishes almost erupt as police disperse Wits protesters

11 October 2016 - 17:34
By Neo Goba

Skirmishes almost erupted at the University of the Witwatersrand on Tuesday afternoon as police dispersed protesting students and workers.

Police‚ using a water canon‚ fired water at a group of students and workers who had been standing under the shade. Journalists were also forced to run for cover.

Police also fired stun grenades to prevent the crowd from regrouping.

“I am so sorry. As I told many of you‚ I can’t speak on behalf of the police. They are in complete control of operations on the ground and it’s the duty of the police to maintain law and order. We are doing our best to restore order but we have no control over police operations‚” said university spokesperson Shirona Patel.

The university announced that lectures will continue throughout the week‚ despite planned protests around campus.

 The institution made the announcement after classes were once again disrupted by Fees Must Fall protesters last week.

“The majority of lectures are taking place on other campuses with a low turnout. It is unnerving for students in lectures — we know that — but we have to continue as far as possible. We have no choice‚ otherwise we lose there academic year‚” she said.

Students have vowed to intensify their protests until their demand for free “decolonised” higher education is realised.

Earlier on Tuesday‚ Patel said the institution remained committed to talks with students but these could not take place at the expense of the academic programme.

Wits has also called for an end to the protests and said there will be no amnesty for anyone involved in criminal activities.