Ways to enjoy being a woman and a mom

09 August 2014 - 16:58
By Sowetan LIVE

Buy yourself that fancy watch, strand of pearls or whatever piece of expensive jewelry you've been lusting after. Justify your purchase by rationalizing that you'll pass it down to your daughter (or son's wife) eventually.

1. When you're tired, hand your kids a brush, point to your head and tell them to play beauty parlor. When you're really tired, pretend that you're Sleeping Beauty.

2. Take your mother to a spa. While you're both getting seaweed wraps, tell her all your favorite memories of growing up.


3. The next time you have to go to a boring kiddie activity, invite another mom-friend along. Hide wine in sippy cups for the two of you to nurse undercover.

4. Play Freaky Friday with your husband and switch roles for a day. Enjoy his renewed appreciation for his Super Mom wife.

5. In the dead of winter, fix some snacks, get under warm quilts and watch Happy Feet on DVD. Tell your kids you love them even more than the penguins love their chicks.

6. Take your baby out to the movies at night. (Infants love the dark, and loud trailers make them snooze immediately.) Then you can sip your soda and munch your popcorn in peace.

7. Buy yourself that fancy watch, strand of pearls or whatever piece of expensive jewelry you've been lusting after. Justify your purchase by rationalizing that you'll pass it down to your daughter (or son's wife) eventually.

8. Take your kids to live music performances from very early ages. Cheap ones outdoors are great to start with in case you need to make a hasty exit (like when a diaper explodes).

9. Use your kids as an excuse to do the things you want to do, like going to silly feel-good movies, eating mac and cheese for dinner and jumping in the jumping castle. Use your kids as an excuse to get out of things you don't want to do, like going to a wedding or office party.

10. Give your kids quiet time every day. Let them learn to be by themselves with books, crayons or blocks.

11. Let your whole family take a day off and hang out in pj's all day long.

12. Rent Sex and the City on DVD, and reminisce about the days when you were single and the biggest problem you had was whether the "He" of the moment was going to call. Let the romance of your youth seduce you. Then remember that, despite your freedom, all you really wanted was to fall in love and have beautiful babies.

13. Pitch a tent in the backyard. Use it as your outdoor reading room. Or when there's a full moon, plan a family campout with sleeping bags, a transistor radio and s'mores, of course.

14. Invent a house fairy. Give her a name, and tell your kids that she is always watching them and counting up their good deeds.

15. Listen for the deep, happy sighs that come after your kids play or laugh really hard. Tuck them away in your heart.

16. Turn the music up and dance. You'll have fun and exercise at the same time.

17. Create a  rotating babysitting club with other mothers so that all the mothers in the group get to have a few days free to do whatever they want without having the kids around.

18. Encourage your kids to visit their grandparents. This will create stronger family bonds and give you some free time.



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SOURCES: www.parenting.com, Youtube