Bisquit Cognac is not just your weekend drink

04 May 2012 - 15:19
By Sbusiso Shongwe

EVERY cognac has a history of its own, a unique blending period and strategy to boost its distinction from the others..

For a cognac that has been around for over 200 years, one with a mixture of 30 years in the barrel, the Bisquit Cognac VOSP is not just your over-the-weekend cognac for consumption.

It has the feel-good taste which, if consumed in haste or without meditation in between sips, it might be mistaken for just another liquid in a fancy voluptuous bottle.

Like other cognacs, Bisquit Cognac is a smooth blend, but what sets it apart from the others is the ultimate satisfaction, which is subtle with floral and woody flavours.

It is up to you whether you take it with ice or not.

The latter has more masculinity taste to it but it can also mean that time is of essence to drinking such a well-crafted Cognac.

Here is a world known liquid that over decades been a marvel to generations of brave and world known characters.

It is said to have been one of the favourite Cognacs of Winston Churchill and King George IV and received status in the Anglo-Saxon.

That is not to say they are the best connoisseurs, but might say a lot about why it has been brought to South African shores for stress-free access, to share the enjoyment others have been privileged over many years.

Here is balance that has, in the same year it came to our shores, been awarded a Gold Medal for the Best in Class in the 2009 International Wine and Spirit Competition.

"In the short time that Bisquit has been available in South Africa, it has taken the country by storm with its superior quality. It is distilled for longer, thus delivering a more generous taste to a discerning palate," says Afrika Tyulu, brand manager at Bisquit Cognac.

For a richer and more generous bouquet of aromas which have existed over years of fruition, here is to a cognac that has not taken just time to blend but has also intermingled well in a foreign country.

Here is to an intake of a cognac that, while delighting in its floral aroma, needs to be embraced due to its age.