Will Smith won't be at Oscars

22 January 2016 - 10:33
By bangshowbiz.com

Will Smith has confirmed he will be joining wife Jada Pinkett Smith in not attending next month's Academy Awards.

The 'Concussion' actor has confirmed he is standing alongside wife Jada Pinkett Smith - who previously announced she was boycotting the ceremony over its lack of diversity - in not taking his seat at next month's Oscars, admitting it would be ''awkward'' if he decided to go.

Asked if he'll be attending, he told 'Good Morning America': ''No, my wife's not going. It would be awkward for me to show up with Charlize (Theron). ''We've discussed it. We're part of this community, but at this current time, we're uncomfortable to stand there and say that this is OK.''

While 47-year-old Will is very ''proud'' of his wife's stance, he admits he had no idea she was planning to address the issue until after she spoke out online. He laughed: ''I was out of the country at the time. And I came home, 'What happened?' ''She's deeply passionate, and when she is moved, she has to go. ''I heard her words and I was knocked over. I was happy to be married to that woman. ''There's a position that we hold in this community, and if we're not a part of the solution, we're part of the problem.

And it was her call to action for herself and for me and for our family to be a part of the solution.'' Will himself had been tipped for a Best Actor nomination, but the actor insists his wife didn't take the stance she did because he was snubbed.

He said: ''There's probably a part of that in there, but for Jada, had I been nominated, and no other people of colour were, she would've made the video anyway.

''This is so deeply not about me. This is about children that are going to sit down, and they're going to watch the show, and they're not going to see themselves represented.''