R. Kelly blames 'The Notebook' for divorce

04 July 2012 - 11:05
By Bang Showbiz

R. Kelly believes Ryan Gosling is responsible for the demise of his marriage to ex-wife Andrea.

The R 'N' B singer says that he decided to divorce his former back up dancer wife after seeing 'The Notebook'.

Writing in his book 'Soulacoaster', he explained that his 12-year legal union could not compare to the love Ryan's character had with Rachel McAdams'.

He said: "As the film credits started to roll, I couldn't move. I burst into tears. People walking past me patted me on the back, trying to console me. 'The Notebook' was beautiful, and I was crying because its hero and heroine had died together.

"But I was also crying because I remembered a Valentine's Day - when a helicopter dropped a rainfall of roses - that had come and gone ... My marriage had died. And there was nothing I could do to bring it back."

However R. Kelly's ex has stated that she doesn't believe the romantic motion picture truly caused their split.

She told TMZ Live: "The movie came out in 2004 and we saw it together. Our divorce wasn't finalised until 2009 so it's impossible that the movie could have been the reason for our relationship ending. "

She added: "We had been separated for 6 years at that point! The movie definitely did not end our relationship!"