Ancient origins of ice cream

15 May 2012 - 11:04
By Dr Know It All

MANY nations have claimed to have invented ice cream. Here are some of the significant dates in its history:

l54-68AD: Iced desserts were a luxury. Some stories claim that the Roman Emperor Nero sent his slaves into the mountains to collect snow, which was then mixed with nectar, fruit pulp and honey.

l618-907AD: During China's T'ang period ice cream was probably a dish for the country's rulers. The founder of the dynasty, King T'ang of Shang, had 94 "ice men" who were charged with carrying ice to the palace to make a dish of koumiss (heated, fermented milk), flour and camphor.

l1744: American colonists brought recipes from Europe. Ice cream was first written about in the new colonies in 1744.

In the 13th century the concept came to Italy from China (some say with Marco Polo).;;