READER LETTER | Let's end distress created by rogue leaders

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File photo.
Image: Freddy Mavunda

SA is a broken country, torn asunder by predators who have no respect for authority, liberty and individual freedom. We have a paved network of 168,000km, but millions of potholes are now part of the road network.

Pivotal state institutions are on the verge of collapsing. Critical state structures have broken down.

Life-sustaining tools of modern society have been relegated to oblivion. Our political system has been strangled by the misconceptions, dishonesty and brazen defiance held and espoused by all our political leaders.

The truth is hard to come by, and even harder to recognise in the current volatile political climate. The nation is having a moral convulsion. Levels of trust in our elected leaders, our institutions and in our convoluted politics are in a precipitous decline.

Our current crop of leaders are masters of the art of deception. Corruption is being unearthed every day, converging on the inescapable conclusion that our tainted politics is rotten to the core with naked thievery and monumental failure.

Our leaders in governance are spineless politicians rotten to the core without virtue, without any level of human integrity, devoid of self-respect and self-reflection. They are without courage and vision, and without the moral compass to recognise their own malevolence.

We grimly see these negative traits in those to whom we entrust our future. It is indeed tragic and frightening that our governing institutions have become increasingly dysfunctional.

Elections 2024
Elections 2024
Image: Sowetan

A combination of intellectual rigidity and the power of selective entrenched political actors is preventing critical institutions from being reformed. The struggling masses feel disgusted by the state of society. Trust in every government institution has plummeted.

Moral indignation is widespread. Contempt for established power is intense. The current collapse of accountable governance is a broken, alienated society caught in a distrust doom loop. The cancer of distrust has spread to every vital organ, has digressed into a broken, crippled nation, as clearly evidenced by the relentless theft and destruction of our country’s crown jewels by those in authority and their local and foreign sidekicks.

Our nation’s rapid descent into a culture of theft is undoubtedly leading our country into a calamitous future. Today we have shameless leaders who are enthroned and legitimised by elections. The Throne of Lies cannot last forever... our democracy has lost its way and its essence.

May 29 2024 will be a turning point for our beleaguered nation.

Farouk Araie, Benoni

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