World Cup to inject R2bn into SA

Netball is the second-biggest team sport in SA, after football.
Netball is the second-biggest team sport in SA, after football.
Image: Naomi Baker/Getty Images

Netball's flagship event, the Netball World Cup, will come to Africa in 2023 for the first time since its inception in 1963 and will inject at least R2bn in revenue into host city Cape Town and the South African economy.

When set aside against a budget of about R68m to stage the event, the economic benefits appear even more significant than the legacy and profile benefits for the sports itself.

But the legacy projects that the World Cup will stimulate were a key aspect of the bid book and have been highly prioritised by both Netball South Africa (NSA) and the International Netball Federation (INF).

NSA president Cecilia Molokwane said: "I've had a lot of tears over the past few weeks [ her husband died in a car accident recently]. I wish I could jump up and down and celebrate but in my heart I am celebrating. We were not favourites to win this bid, but I would like to thank Molly [INF president Molly Rhone] for encouraging us because she believed in the hosting rotating.

"I would like to thank the Western Cape government and the City of Cape Town because when we came to you and said we want this [Netball World Cup] but we don't have a venue, you opened your arms and backed us."

Cape Town's International Convention Centre will host the 16 teams in 2023.

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