Dress code even for rebels

01 September 2013 - 22:38
By Shwashwi

Dear Ntsiki Mazwai. I must say I love your fighter-feminist spirit.

You rocked at the Mbokodo Awards as you were presenting an award. However - and you knew this was coming, didn't you - dress codes are there for a reason, babe.

Your rebel soul sister can sometimes - in your case, often - fail you.

Your skirt was too short for the flouncing around you were doing on stage. And for people literally looking up to you, the sight of your thighs was not really what we signed up for.

There was Arts and Culture Minister Paul Mashatile and First Lady Bongi Ngema in attendance, and the coughs of awkwardness had Shwa cringing.

Be mindful of the fact that I have not mentioned Euphonik's diss of your hygiene status, but do pay extra attention next time, okay?

