Sunette Viljoen sends out an early warning to her rivals

16 March 2017 - 17:25
By Khanyiso Tshwaku

The effortlessness of Sunette Viljoen's World Championships qualification throw at the third leg of the Athletic Speed Series in Potchefstroom could be a warning to her rivals.

Having finally broken her Olympic duck with her silver medal at last year's Olympics in Rio de Janerio‚ Viljoen looked lean‚ mean and ready to conquer the year.

Her throw of 62.83 was a far better start than her disappointing beginning at the Pilditch Stadium in Pretoria last year when she just broke through the 50m mark.

The world championships qualification mark was 61.40m.

“I've been very motivated after the Rio Olympics‚ especially after the support I received from the people of South Africa‚" she said.

"I saw what that Olympic medal meant to the country and it has motivated me to do better. I've been doing a lot of different things in my training and I've also lost six to seven kilograms.

"I feel lighter on my feet and stronger in my heart.

“I love to throw the javelin and I want to be the best.

"I don't want to settle for second best and I have an enormous drive in my heart and I think that's something you're born with‚ especially when you wake up every day and go to training.

"I just feel I haven't had enough in my heart. I know I can still do better and I know the morning when I'll wake up and know I've had enough. It's not there yet.”

Viljoen's regime has changed to an extent to where he has taken up boxing to improve her javelin throwing technique.

This was apparent in the ease at which she delivered her throws at the Kenneth McArthur Stadium even though he didn't let it get to her head.

Viljoen said the boxing has improved her ability to throw the javelin further.

“I do the boxing once a week and it keeps me very fit and very strong in my upper body.

"It helps me deliver the javelin with speed‚ and the arm speed I'm getting with the javelin is amazing.

"If I have some frustrations‚ I just go to the ring and box them out. The boxing helps me out in a good way‚” Viljoen said. - TMG Digital.