Stop calling me Beyonce: Reneilwe Letsholonyane

05 June 2015 - 12:27
By Sowetan Live
Kaizer Chiefs player Reneilwe 'Yeye' Letsholonyane. Picture Credit: Gallo Images
Kaizer Chiefs player Reneilwe 'Yeye' Letsholonyane. Picture Credit: Gallo Images

Kaizer Chiefs footballer Reneilwe Letsholonyane has pleaded with fans to stop using the name ‘Beyonce’ as his nickname.

Speaking during an interview with host Pearl Modiadie on the TV show Zaziwa, the Bafana player said that he doesn’t like the nickname and wishes people would stop using it.

Letsholonyane who is also nicknamed ‘Yeye’ said that the name makes it uncomfortable for him to interact with fans as he doesn’t respond to it.

“Sometimes people think I’m rude because I don’t respond when they call me ‘Beyonce’, I don’t like that name and I wish they would stop using it’, he said.

Letsholonyane’s clear irritation could be seen even when Modiadie quizzed him on the origin of the name.

“I don’t know why they call me that, I just don’t like it,” he said.

The footballer also spoke about his relationship with sports presenter Mpho Maboi.

He described Maboi as the one person he knows he can always rely on.

“If I were to get stuck somewhere, she would be the first person I call”, he said.