Tough times ahead for Downs - Mweene

12 December 2014 - 10:41
By Mazola Molefe
KEEPER'S PLEA: Mamelodi Sundowns goalkeeper Kennedy Mweene has urged his teammates to help the side win their remaining four matches before the league recess if they are to stand any chance of defending the Absa Premiership  Photo: Lefty Shivambu/Gallo Images
KEEPER'S PLEA: Mamelodi Sundowns goalkeeper Kennedy Mweene has urged his teammates to help the side win their remaining four matches before the league recess if they are to stand any chance of defending the Absa Premiership Photo: Lefty Shivambu/Gallo Images

KENNEDY Mweene says Mamelodi Sundowns' draw with Orlando Pirates in midweek was an early indicator that it will be even tougher for them to pick up points in the second round.

Mweene, who was man of the match in the 1-1 drawn Absa Premiership game at Orlando, has urged his teammates to help the side win their remaining four matches before the league recess.

Downs will be on the road again tomorrow afternoon when they face neighbours University of Pretoria at Tuks Stadium.

"It's not easy in the PSL this season. You cannot go into a game thinking you will come away with maximum points. It is tricky already, and I can only imagine what the second round is going to be like," said Mweene.

"That is when it is more difficult to pick up points because teams are more organised and know which players are dangerous when they face the opposition.

"Teams make sure they have a solid plan for you and I think the games will be more technical and tactical, even when you are playing at home."

Sundowns slid to third place on the log standings following their stalemate, with the gap between them and leaders Kaizer Chiefs remaining at 13 points. They have a game in hand and, like Amakhosi, have managed to go on their own unbeaten league run of 10 matches, albeit five of them resulting in draws.

"We've never gone into a game looking for anything less than a win because we want as many points as possible. The positive side is that we haven't lost in 10 games, but the negative aspect is that we haven't collected the points we needed. We are keeping up because we are not losing games," he said.

AmaTuks have been in disarray since their long-serving coach Steve Barker left the club to join struggling AmaZulu last month.

Under Sammy Troughton, who replaced Barker, having been his assistant, Tuks are yet to win.