Fireworks hooligans banned

24 August 2012 - 10:14
By Reuters

SYDNEY - Two men who lit flares and fireworks at pre-season soccer matches in Sydney that led to violence in the stands have been handed five-year bans from all games in Australia, the Football Federation of Australia (FFA) said yesterday.

Police used pepper spray to quell supporters at Edensor Park on Wednesday after a firework was thrown into the crowd at the Western Sydney Warriors trial match against Sydney United.

That followed trouble at a trial match between Sydney FC and the Macarthur Rams at Campbelltown Stadium on August 14, where a child was hit by a rock after the lighting of a flare.

"The troublemakers who bring the game into disrepute with their reckless behaviour have no place in the game," said outgoing FFA CEO Ben Buckley. "The incidents at Campbelltown and Edensor Park were the work of idiots who wanted to cause trouble."

A third man was to be banned after the incidents at Edensor Park, the FFA said, with police indicating further investigations would take place.