Majeke replaces Nonkonyana

06 October 2010 - 11:10
By Ramatsiyi Moholoa

EASTERN Cape businessman Felix Majeke has dethroned Safa deputy president Chief Mwelo Nonkonyana as the body's OR Tambo regional president.

Majeke was elected unopposed after Nonkonyana, who is also an ANC member of Parliament, withdrew a few hours before the elections on Sunday.

"I was approached by the local football associations (LFAs) some time ago to stand for the position of president," Majeke said.

"We as a region decided to accept change.

"The challenge we are facing as the new leadership of Safa OR Tambo region is to develop the sport.

"There were two candidates vying for the position of president until Chief Nonkonyana withdrew from the race on the morning of the meeting.

"It came as a surprise to us. Maybe he made his calculations and realised that it was going to be a bit difficult to be re-elected as president of the region.

"We have seven LFAs in our region, they have spoken through their votes that they needed change and elected me to lead them.

"We have already started with the process of transforming the sport in the region and the focus is more on the developmental aspects of the game.

"There is talent in abundance in this region but we do not even have a club in the professional league in our region.

"Bush Bucks is the last club we had in the professional ranks but we will have a club at the highest division sooner than expected.

"We have already had a meeting with the department of sport at the OR Tambo municipality where we highlighted lack of facilities as one of our big challenges," he said.

Nonkonyana was instrumental in the takeover of Safa by the Football Transformation Forum.

Nonkonyana was not available for comment yesterday, but Majeke said the region had appointed him as its honorary life president.