Thandiswa Mazwai shares the origins of her unique sense of style
Noted for her unique style, singer Thandiswa Mazwai has revealed that her look first began as a political statement.
Thandiswa shared the origins of her sense of style during her #MentorMondaysWithTha Q&A session with fans on Twitter.
During the convo, a stan asked her what inspired her look, adding that she was impressed.
Grateful for the compliment, King Tha replied to the stan and explained her style began as a political statement.
“Thank you. My style began as a political statement. When I started in the industry there were hardly any women that looked like me in the media. The media expected everyone to assimilate. and I said no.”
Thank you. My style began as a political statement. When I started in the industry there were hardly any women that looked like me in the media. The media expected everyone to assimilate..and I said no.
— KingTha (@thandiswamazwai) May 11, 2020
Thandiswa added that being proud of her natural beauty was a priority for her, which validated who she is.
She explained that it first started as her trying African-like make-up, which led her to add beads and then dressing more street chic. The songstress said she wanted to show the younger generation that there was beauty in being African.
“African beauty was important to me because it validated me. I started with “amachokoza” as make-up then added beads to everyday streetwear and then to evening wear. Until it became ubiquitous. My idea was to show youngens that beauty in Africa cannot reside in whiteness. Amandla.”
African beauty was important to me because it validated me. I started with “amachokoza” as make up then added beads to everyday street wear and then to evening wear.Until it became eubiquitous. My idea was to show youngens that beauty in Africa cannot reside in whiteness. Amandla
— KingTha (@thandiswamazwai) May 11, 2020
Ps it’s spelt ubiquitous and it means found everywhere. Use: my style has now become ubiquitous.
— KingTha (@thandiswamazwai) May 11, 2020