6 tips to help you find your work-life balance as a woman
Sometimes making it as a successful entrepreneur can be challenging. It takes hard work, dedication and a delicate balance between all the different spheres in your life. To get some answers on how to do this right, we caught up with the highly successful co-founder and group CEO of Travel with Flair, Johanna Mukoki, who spoke at a recent event hosted by Veuve Cliquot with the aim of identifying common prejudices and mental and structural barriers facing businesswomen.
1. Whether you’re in a family, married, whether you are a single mom or are just an amazing, high achieving woman on your own, what purpose is it if you’re this colossal businesswoman but you’re not happy in your life? You need to be able to also have a stable, functional home so you can thrive in your work life.
2. A lot of women are unhappy in their later lives, because they sacrifice a lot for their kids and then their kids leave them. A happy mom is a mom who is living her fullest potential and living her best life.
3. Business can be demanding, so you must never make your partner feel like they must compete for attention with your business and when you’re home you need to be fully present.
4. I really encourage women to listen to their bodies and to do what is needed. A lot of times women do not look after themselves. We always give more of ourselves to others and we don’t do much for ourselves. You are not useful if you’re lying in hospital for a couple of weeks, having had serious surgery while you could have done it with a few tablets [if only you had gone to the doctor sooner].
5. You need to know the people you are raising. Highs and lows is the quickest thing that you can ask a child so that they condense all their emotions in one day. If you ask “Darling, what was your high ? ” they think about everything that happened to them at school. “What is your low?” They will tell you the worst thing that happened to them that day. You will be able to help them along because kids are very honest at a young age and if you teach them to talk you never have to worry about their wellbeing.
6. You know the old saying that it takes a village to raise a child? We don’t live in villages anymore so we obviously need to hire a village to help us raise our kids.