READER LETTER | Water crisis not handled the way it should be

20 July 2023 - 10:50
By ReaderLetter
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Image: 123RF Stock photo.

On Wednesday July 19 it was the fourth day we were without water and it’s really a serious crisis. Even loadshedding is better. You can live without electricity but water is life.

All eight local schools were given notice at the 11th hour not to attend, except teachers and cleaning staff. The notices were passed on to the community via social media nogal. Where is the municipal van that is often used when announcing community meetings?

About 40% of people you give information to by social media platforms are illiterate while others are elderly members of society who have never been to school, let alone own cellphones.

Councillors are there to serve their wards. And when such a crisis happens, why can’t they inform their constituency the best way they deem possible rather than play hide and seek games? And to avoid the physical fights we often witness when citizens jostle for water, every ward is supposed to have its own jojo tank.

Black people still have a long way to go.

Samuel Radebe, Heilbron, Free State