This whole indaba about what was loaded or unloaded in the dead of night at the Simon’s Town Naval Base is so much in the dark that el Presidente Ramaphoria will institute a board of inquiry under the auspices of a retired judge in order to clear the air about what indeed transpired. He appears to have no idea!
But our illustrious minister of defence “we put ‘f***l’ on Lady R” Thandi Modise seems to have a very good idea of what did and did not transpire. Some one or some two is or are lying. We have come to expect this from our totally inept ANC government. We have come to expect that they are all on the path to survive and to rip off the SA population of every last morsel of “we have to eat” everything. Maybe our illustrious minister of defence should just call el Presidente and tell him what happened on the night in question. It would save us all time and money.
I am not holding my breath.
Peter Baker
READER LETTER | Inquiry won’t shed light on navy base indaba
This whole indaba about what was loaded or unloaded in the dead of night at the Simon’s Town Naval Base is so much in the dark that el Presidente Ramaphoria will institute a board of inquiry under the auspices of a retired judge in order to clear the air about what indeed transpired. He appears to have no idea!
But our illustrious minister of defence “we put ‘f***l’ on Lady R” Thandi Modise seems to have a very good idea of what did and did not transpire. Some one or some two is or are lying. We have come to expect this from our totally inept ANC government. We have come to expect that they are all on the path to survive and to rip off the SA population of every last morsel of “we have to eat” everything. Maybe our illustrious minister of defence should just call el Presidente and tell him what happened on the night in question. It would save us all time and money.
I am not holding my breath.
Peter Baker