READER LETTER | Planet continues to take a pounding from mankind

15 August 2022 - 10:14
Firefighters tackle a grass fire during the heatwave in Mow Cop, Staffordshire, Britain, July 19, 2022.
Image: REUTERS/Carl Recine Firefighters tackle a grass fire during the heatwave in Mow Cop, Staffordshire, Britain, July 19, 2022.

News channels are dominated by heatwaves, drought, wildfires, flooding, famine and people risking their lives on rafts in search of better opportunities elsewhere.

Warnings about abuse of our living planet over decades have not been heeded. Previously, the brunt of the impact was largely felt by developing countries.

Today, it strikes in the heartland of the developed world. In the midst of it all, Russia is fighting a senseless war, massively increasing the challenges the world is facing, including the shelling of the world's largest nuclear power plant in Ukraine.

The so-called free world is forced to pump massive amounts of money into this war effort, money that could have been much better spent to address climate change and its impact on the most vulnerable of an exploding world population. We still live as if there is a plan(et) B.

Mankind often reminds me of schools of whales beaching themselves.

Dawie Jacobs, Sterrewag