Carrot-and-stick approach will make a difference

19 September 2019 - 13:07
By Readers Letter
Statistics show that the majority of ANC voters are women, yet women bear the brunt of crime and then continue to vote ANC, the writer says.
Image: Image: 123RF Stock Image/ lculig Statistics show that the majority of ANC voters are women, yet women bear the brunt of crime and then continue to vote ANC, the writer says.

So, the government says it is going to ensure there are more rape kits in police stations? This is only one link in a long, broken chain.

Ironically, statistics show that the majority of ANC voters are women, yet women bear the brunt of crime and then continue to vote ANC.

And what about demeriting all those policemen who have not ensured that each police station has rape kits? Don't pay their bonuses.

The country is collapsing because every civil servant operates with impunity. We should reward success, not failure. This will send a signal to society to mend their ways.

Yet what does the government do? It begs people, civil servants, rioters, men, truck burners and gangsters to mend their ways. People will not mend their ways unless there are consequences.

Naushad Omar, Athlone, Cape Town