The world is mum as Israel guns down Gaza protesters in Draconian Nazi style

21 May 2018 - 10:22
By Reader Letter
The world is mum as Israel guns down Gaza protesters in Draconian Nazi style says the writer.
The world is mum as Israel guns down Gaza protesters in Draconian Nazi style says the writer.

Israel's massive gunning down of peaceful protesters is not only a violation of international law but the actions are tantamount to war crimes under the International Criminal Court Regulations.

The reaction was Draconian, epitomising the essence of Israel's brutal policy of massive force.

The slaughter of innocent civilians lays the foundation for the world to see the true nature of Israel's determination to rid the Palestinians from their geographical area.

The reaction of the world community is also astonishingly feeble.

How can Gaza survive and progress when this desolate slum lives under the fearful shadow of Israel's powerful military killing machine?

Gaza has become the Auschwitz of the 21st century. The Palestinians have been forgotten. All their pain and hardships over the past 50 years have not moved the conscience of mankind.

The gun chamber has now replaced the gas chamber as a weapon of total annihilation. Jackboot tactics have now replaced diplomacy.

Farouk Araie, Johannesburg