Nightmare of pension mess keeps SA awake at night

13 November 2017 - 09:54
By Reader Letter
Minister of Social Development Bathabile Dlamini is giving the nation sleepless nights over pensions, says the writer. / DANIEL BORN
Minister of Social Development Bathabile Dlamini is giving the nation sleepless nights over pensions, says the writer. / DANIEL BORN

Our country has gradually become immune to all the negativity surrounding us. We have ceased being shocked and have become numb.

Every time one listens to the news or reads the newspaper, you find some news reflecting the incompetence of a cabinet minister.

These cabinet ministers are occupying prestigious positions in supposed service to their country, but this commitment takes a back seat or is deliberately forgotten while they pursue their personal goals.

Minister of Social Development Bathabile Dlamini is a good example of this phenomenon and she is being treated with kid gloves while the country (the one that she committed to serve) is spending sleepless nights as to whether its pension money will be paid out come March next year.

Matema Sehwana
