The youth needs to stand up, protect infrastructure and positively contribute to socio-economic development and a brighter future. It is that time of the year again when we celebrate youth month and Youth Day on June 16.
It now looks like a routine that we must celebrate this special day, but the most important thing is to ask ourselves what are we really celebrating as our youth is drowning in drugs and used as agents of destruction, vandalising key infrastructure in our country. Infrastructure vandalism is rife and destroying the country.
Water and sanitation, rail and electricity infrastructure are the main targets of vandalism and this is having a seriously negative effect on service delivery and the lives of people. Infrastructure vandalism denies people access to water supply and sanitation services, electricity supply and rail transport services.
Looking at who is destroying our infrastructure, we find that our youth are the foot soldiers of this vandalism and destruction and all for what in return, drugs that destroy their lives and future. We cannot allow this to continue and let our youth destroy their future and the future of our beautiful country.
As we celebrate Youth Day this year, let us commit to fight the scourge of drugs that is destroying our youth and making them agents of vandalism destroying the service delivery infrastructure of our country. Cutting the drugs challenge will also help protect our service delivery infrastructure from vandalism.
To achieve this, we need all hands on deck, therefore the government, the private sector, NGOs and communities need to work together to bring hope to the youth, fight drug abuse, cut the market of stolen goods, especially infrastructure related products and provide developmental opportunities to the youth.
As much as other stakeholders can do and contribute to youth development, the onus is on the youth to push for their development. The youth need to take responsibility for their own development and their future. The youth need to know and understand that the future of this country is in their hands therefore they cannot be agents of infrastructure vandalism and destruction.
The youth need to be responsible citizens and protect the service delivery infrastructure from vandalism and destruction as the future is in their hands. The youth can no longer be passive participants and passengers in the development of this country.
They need to actively participate in the socio-economic development of this country and their future as the future is theirs and they cannot blame anyone if they do not actively participate to shape their future and that of the country.
Let us all play our role in youth development and help the youth of this country to achieve greatness and be responsible citizens who protect the socio-economic infrastructure of this country. Let us help the youth to become agents of development and not destruction.
Drugs are destroying our youth and the country, so let us root them out of our communities and build a better future for the youth.
Khoza is a communicator at the department of water and sanitation
THEMBA KHOZA | Youth have become the foot soldiers of vandalism and destruction
Let us help them become agents of development
The youth needs to stand up, protect infrastructure and positively contribute to socio-economic development and a brighter future. It is that time of the year again when we celebrate youth month and Youth Day on June 16.
It now looks like a routine that we must celebrate this special day, but the most important thing is to ask ourselves what are we really celebrating as our youth is drowning in drugs and used as agents of destruction, vandalising key infrastructure in our country. Infrastructure vandalism is rife and destroying the country.
Water and sanitation, rail and electricity infrastructure are the main targets of vandalism and this is having a seriously negative effect on service delivery and the lives of people. Infrastructure vandalism denies people access to water supply and sanitation services, electricity supply and rail transport services.
Looking at who is destroying our infrastructure, we find that our youth are the foot soldiers of this vandalism and destruction and all for what in return, drugs that destroy their lives and future. We cannot allow this to continue and let our youth destroy their future and the future of our beautiful country.
As we celebrate Youth Day this year, let us commit to fight the scourge of drugs that is destroying our youth and making them agents of vandalism destroying the service delivery infrastructure of our country. Cutting the drugs challenge will also help protect our service delivery infrastructure from vandalism.
To achieve this, we need all hands on deck, therefore the government, the private sector, NGOs and communities need to work together to bring hope to the youth, fight drug abuse, cut the market of stolen goods, especially infrastructure related products and provide developmental opportunities to the youth.
As much as other stakeholders can do and contribute to youth development, the onus is on the youth to push for their development. The youth need to take responsibility for their own development and their future. The youth need to know and understand that the future of this country is in their hands therefore they cannot be agents of infrastructure vandalism and destruction.
The youth need to be responsible citizens and protect the service delivery infrastructure from vandalism and destruction as the future is in their hands. The youth can no longer be passive participants and passengers in the development of this country.
They need to actively participate in the socio-economic development of this country and their future as the future is theirs and they cannot blame anyone if they do not actively participate to shape their future and that of the country.
Let us all play our role in youth development and help the youth of this country to achieve greatness and be responsible citizens who protect the socio-economic infrastructure of this country. Let us help the youth to become agents of development and not destruction.
Drugs are destroying our youth and the country, so let us root them out of our communities and build a better future for the youth.
Khoza is a communicator at the department of water and sanitation