TESSA DOOMS | Privilege, just like poverty, is a sensitive topic in SA

We need to stand in solidarity and fight against injustices

Tessa Dooms Columnist

SA has a long history of intentional and painful inequality, yet the consequent privilege that has and continues to accrue from the realities of living in one of the most unequal countries in the world is a conversation few are willing to have. It has become much easier to talk about poverty than privilege, but if SA is to truly make meaningful progress toward a future we all deserve we must be willing to confront the question of privilege.

We must reckon with its historical and present-day causes. We must contend with the ways that it shows up in the daily experiences of people across race, class and gender divides. We must determine what particularly people who experience privilege are willing to give in order to shift the fortunes of our country. ..

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