Mabuza's bad move

30 September 2011 - 11:41
By Sowetan Editorial

THE decision by the Mpumalanga government to nominate Nora Fakude-Nkuna to serve in a state entity from which she was accused of illegally taking money is baffling.

Fakude-Nkuna, a personal friend of President Jacob Zuma, was forced to quit the Mpumalanga Economic Empowerment Corporation, a development finance institution, after she allegedly took R1.4-million from its coffers.

As if to applaud her for a job well done, the administration of Premier David Mabuza has nominated her to serve on the board of the corporation, now called Mega.

However, Fakude-Nkuna, through her personal assistant, told Sowetan she would reject the nomination as she was too busy. We agree that she should reject it, though for different reasons to those she has advanced.

It seems Mabuza wants to make Mpumalanga a province where the sun sets.