Parole pranks

16 March 2011 - 13:06
By Sowetan Editorial

SINCE his early release from jail on medical grounds, Schabir Shaik has been cocking a snook at the country's parole system and the public in general.

Besides rising miraculously from his deathbed, Shaik has been embroiled in controversy including allegedly assaulting a journalist and a distraught father who wanted to visit his ill daughter in hospital.

And, according to reports yesterday, the convicted fraudster may be up to it again as he is said to be "lying isolated in the hospital section of the prison".

Reports by his lawyer about him being "confused and saddened" could be another ploy by Shaik to do a "Houdini".

His pranks have unfortunately tarnished the image of the parole system. Many believe Shaik got away with it because of the relationship he has with the political leadership.

Whatever happens now must not exacerbate the situation.