Bad losers

06 December 2010 - 13:06
By Sowetan Editorial

UNTIL last Thursday, the choice by Fifa of a World Cup host nation was not "bizarre and surreal", or so the English media want us to believe.

The Brits are in a uniform uproar against Fifa: they, and not Russia, should have been awarded the 2018 Word Cup.

Since the announcement in Zurich on Thursday, England has branded Fifa cheats because their bid was "impeccable and the strongest".

They have conveniently forgotten that any development, soccer included, has a political connotation to it.

We hold no brief for the tainted Fifa but concur that politics must play a part in the choice of hosts, otherwise Africa would not have smelt 2010.

Smacks of their colonialist inclinations: anything they want they must get despite everything else.

They have to get off their pedestal or forever remain bad losers.