Libya under siege

14 March 2011 - 11:27
By Reuters

RAS LANUF - Washington said a call by the Arab League for a UN no-fly zone over Libya was an "important step" as government troops backed by tanks and warplanes fought to drive rebels from their strongholds

The league, meeting in Cairo on Saturday, had decided that "serious crimes and great violations" committed by the government of Muammar Gaddafi against his people had stripped it of legitimacy.

Washington, which would play a leading role in enforcing any no-fly zone, said the decision strengthened pressure on Gaddafi but it stopped short of commitment to military action and made no proposal for a swift meeting of the UN Security Council.

It was not clear if the league's call for a no-fly zone would provide the unequivocal regional endorsement Nato required for military action to curb Gaddafi. British foreign secretary William Hague said it was "very significant".

Diplomats in New York said they could not rule out a weekend meeting of the UN Security Council to vote on the issue, but added it was unlikely.

On the ground, Gaddafi marshalled his forces to defy a tide of unrest that has led to the overthrow of autocratic rulers in Tunisia and Egypt and unprecedented protest elsewhere.

Rebels say a no-fly zone is vital to ground Gaddafi's air force.

However, a mutiny slowed the advance of a crack Libyan brigade commanded by Gaddafi's son Khamis as it advanced on Misrata, with 32 soldiers joining the rebels holding the city, a rebel there said. He said one defector was a general.

Rebel spokesperson Gamal added that the brigade stalled about 10-15km south of the city and broke out in a firefight after dozens of troops balked at the idea of killing civilians in the impending attack.

Early on Saturday, the feared 32nd Brigade tried but failed to take Misrata, the last major rebel holdout in western Libya.

Mussa Ibrahim, a government spokesperson in Tripoli, could neither confirm nor deny a military operation was under way in Misrata.

It took a week of repeated assaults by government troops, backed by tanks and air power, to crush the uprising in Zawiyah, a much smaller town 50km west of Tripoli.

Gaddafi's forces bulldozed a cemetery where rebel fighters had been buried.

The rebels in Misrata were heavily outgunned.

"We are bracing for a massacre," said Mohammad Ahmed, a rebel fighter

Dozens of soldiers waved posters of Gaddafi and painted over rebel graffiti at a deserted housing complex for oil industry workers as foreign journalists arrived from Tripoli on a government-run visit to the recaptured city.

Smoke billowed from an oil storage facility near the refinery east of the town. Local officials brought to meet the media party said the retreating rebels had bombed it.

Libya's flat desert terrain favours the use of heavy armour and air power. The Libyan army is also better trained and more disciplined than the rag-tag, though enthusiastic, rebel force.

Despite the push by Gaddafi forces, rebels were defiant.

The White House responded by welcoming the league decision, calling it an "important step" and saying it was preparing for all contingencies.

"The international community is unified in sending a clear message that the violence in Libya must stop, and that the Gaddafi regime must be held accountable," it said.

Britain, in the forefront of states advocating preparation for a possible no-fly zone, welcomed the Arab League appeal as significant, but not enough by itself to trigger action.

"We've said all along that one of the conditions for a no-fly zone must be broad support in the region," said Hague.

"Clearly this is one indicator that there is broad support in that region," he said.

"It's also necessary to have even broader international support."