The Independent Police Investigative Directorate (Ipid) has arrested nine police officers for allegedly firing shots in the direction of a businessman whose car they pulled over in Pinetown.
The motorist was driving on the M13 on May 30 when officers pulled him over, Ipid spokesperson Phaladi Shuping said.
“It is alleged the police shot at him while he was sitting in the car,” said Shuping.
He was not injured but a case of attempted murder was opened against the police officers.
“Ipid took over the case and as a result of the investigation nine police officers allegedly involved in that incident were arrested on Thursday.”
They appeared in the Pinetown magistrate's court and were granted bail of R5,000 each.
The case was postponed to August 20 for further investigation.
Ipid probes shots fired at businessman, nine cops arrested
The Independent Police Investigative Directorate (Ipid) has arrested nine police officers for allegedly firing shots in the direction of a businessman whose car they pulled over in Pinetown.
The motorist was driving on the M13 on May 30 when officers pulled him over, Ipid spokesperson Phaladi Shuping said.
“It is alleged the police shot at him while he was sitting in the car,” said Shuping.
He was not injured but a case of attempted murder was opened against the police officers.
“Ipid took over the case and as a result of the investigation nine police officers allegedly involved in that incident were arrested on Thursday.”
They appeared in the Pinetown magistrate's court and were granted bail of R5,000 each.
The case was postponed to August 20 for further investigation.