State is embarking on public service reforms, says Ramaphosa

Sisanda Mbolekwa Politics reporter
President Cyril Ramaphosa says 'a better trained civil service that attracts suitably qualified individuals will engender greater public confidence'.
President Cyril Ramaphosa says 'a better trained civil service that attracts suitably qualified individuals will engender greater public confidence'.
Image: REUTERS/Esa Alexander

President Cyril Ramaphosa has announced government will embark on far-reaching public service reforms that will help build a state that is both capable and developmental.

The president said this was crucial to provide citizens with efficient frontline services and improve the quality of their lives.

He said the task of building a better country is enabled by the diligence, care, ethical conduct and innovation of the country’s 1.2-million public servants, saying South Africa marked Public Service Month to draw attention to the vital role of the people who work in the administration to improve people’s lives. 

As they deliver on government’s mandate, public servants are expected to observe the Batho Pele principles such as courtesy, openness and transparency, maintaining service standards and giving best value.”

In his weekly newsletter, the president said public servants must uphold the standards expected of them, especially at points of service, particularly because they sign up to codes of conduct when they enter employment at all three spheres of government.

They are expected to advance social and economic development through the services they provide to citizens. We often think public servants are lacking in the provision of services to citizens and yet there are areas of distinction in the public service that don’t make headlines.”

He referred to the commitment of civil servants behind frontline service counters, community clinics, border posts, foreign missions around the world, in police stations and classrooms, and at the forefront of scientific endeavour in institutions. 

“These public servants get on with their tasks in relative anonymity, serving the South African people with diligence.”

He noted the publicisation of situations where things go wrong, but lambasted how citizens don't hear about the thousands of people who every day apply for ID cards and passports in home affairs offices around the country, and who receive their documents in under two weeks.

“Little is reported about the improvements brought about by the new branch appointment booking system and e-service. While many citizens daily experience the orderliness, professionalism and courtesy of frontline service officials, the headlines and online debates are often reserved for public servants involved in corruption or mismanagement.”

He agreed it was correct that these activities be exposed and action taken against those responsible, but said we also needed to recognise where progress is being made. 

We must give credit where it is due to the vast majority of civil servants who rise each day to prepare to go to work serving the South African people with honesty and integrity
President Cyril Ramaphosa 

“In parliament last week, I outlined the commendable work under way in departments to discourage corruption, including the completion of more than 11,000 lifestyle audits of public servants in national government.”

Ramaphosa said this work must continue because the country cannot build an accountable, professional civil service as long as there are individuals who see public office as a vehicle for self-enrichment. 

“At the same time, we must give credit where it is due to the vast majority of civil servants who rise each day to prepare to go to work serving the South African people with honesty and integrity.”

The president announced that later this year government will gazette several regulations to guide the implementation of the framework for the professionalisation of the public service that was adopted by cabinet last year.

“These regulations will contribute to greater stability in the leadership ranks of the public service, ensure recruitment processes are more rigorous and that prospective public servants undergo competency testing before taking up positions.”

Ramaphosa said the implementation of the framework will improve the conditions of service for public servants and bring stability to departments that have undergone prolonged periods of uncertainty and flux.

“A better trained civil service that attracts suitably qualified individuals will engender greater public confidence. As we recognise the critical work of the public service and as we commend the many public servants who diligently serve the nation, we know there is much room for improvement.”


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