“As the executive of Young Women’s Manyano [YWM], we are deeply shocked by the tragic ordeal that happened to one of our own [Gantana] and Mpunga,” Tomsana said.
“Gantana was the vice-president of YWM on her local circuit.
“We are pleading to everyone to work together with the district office as we are waiting for the bishop’s office to release a statement regarding the dates of memorial services for both services and funerals.”
District Bishop Reverend Nompithizelo Sibidla said: “After a long search we received the news. This is another tragic moment in our district.
“As Paul writes in two Corinthians, 4:8, ‘We are hard-pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed but not in despair’. We pray for justice.”
Eastern Cape Men’s Movement leader Reverend Xolamzi Sam sent condolences to the families.
“We are deeply hurt. This is the worst thing that could happen,” he said. “Gantana was a community developer, she was a local preacher and a businesswoman.
“Not only the families are affected, but the communities at large.
“Mpunga’s family released their daughter to go make a living; they did not expect she will come back in a coffin.
“We are nearing August, which we are supposed to be celebrating women, instead of killing women. We hope justice will be served.”
The two women had lived together at Gantana’s home in Ncera Village 7, near Kidds Beach. Kholosa worked as a shopkeeper at Gantana’s KwaMasithathi general dealer store.
Police provincial spokesperson Brigadier Tembinkosi Kinana said the suspects, aged between 44 and 50, were arrested on Friday near Peddie after an intensive search for the missing women.
“Their arrests were preceded by the recovery of the stolen vehicle belonging to Gantana, which was found stuck in the mud without any person inside or nearby,” Kinana said.
“Investigators received information that led them to a farm where the suspects were subsequently arrested.
“During the investigation, the detectives discovered that both women had been shot dead.
“It is alleged that their bodies were chopped, burnt and subsequently dumped into a dam nearby the farm at Gcinisa village.”
Community in shock at brutal murder of two women
‘It is alleged that their bodies were chopped’
Eastern Cape community leaders have expressed their horror after the two women who were kidnapped from their home in Ncera last weekend were found murdered.
Zoleka Gantana, 57, and Kholosa Mpunga, 27, were shot, and it is alleged their bodies dismembered and burnt before being dumped in a dam.
Three suspects have been arrested.
Gantana’s daughter, Nobuntu Gantana, confirmed to the Dispatch on Saturday that the bodies were found near Peddie.
“My mother passed away. Their bodies were burnt beyond recognition,” Nobuntu said.
Gantana’s missing Isuzu bakkie was also found with false number plates.
Eastern Cape premier Oscar Mabuyane expressed his condolences.
“We are deeply saddened and shocked. Such incidents impact severely on families and they are bound to be affected psychologically when such tragedy happens,” he said.
“We are grateful to those patriotic citizens of our province who shared information with the police leading to the gruesome discovery and the arrest of the suspects.
“We also noted the outpouring of love and prayers that people from all walks of life sent to these families and encourage that we all continue to put them in our thoughts and prayers as they deal with this tragic loss.”
Gantana, who was a Methodist Church lay minister, was last heard from on July 8 when she left her Tsholomnqa homestead for her house and shop in Ncera.
Young Women’s Manyano King Hintsa District president Makhosazana Tomsana said on behalf of the Methodist Church, they sent condolences to the families of Gantana and Mpunga.
“As the executive of Young Women’s Manyano [YWM], we are deeply shocked by the tragic ordeal that happened to one of our own [Gantana] and Mpunga,” Tomsana said.
“Gantana was the vice-president of YWM on her local circuit.
“We are pleading to everyone to work together with the district office as we are waiting for the bishop’s office to release a statement regarding the dates of memorial services for both services and funerals.”
District Bishop Reverend Nompithizelo Sibidla said: “After a long search we received the news. This is another tragic moment in our district.
“As Paul writes in two Corinthians, 4:8, ‘We are hard-pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed but not in despair’. We pray for justice.”
Eastern Cape Men’s Movement leader Reverend Xolamzi Sam sent condolences to the families.
“We are deeply hurt. This is the worst thing that could happen,” he said. “Gantana was a community developer, she was a local preacher and a businesswoman.
“Not only the families are affected, but the communities at large.
“Mpunga’s family released their daughter to go make a living; they did not expect she will come back in a coffin.
“We are nearing August, which we are supposed to be celebrating women, instead of killing women. We hope justice will be served.”
The two women had lived together at Gantana’s home in Ncera Village 7, near Kidds Beach. Kholosa worked as a shopkeeper at Gantana’s KwaMasithathi general dealer store.
Police provincial spokesperson Brigadier Tembinkosi Kinana said the suspects, aged between 44 and 50, were arrested on Friday near Peddie after an intensive search for the missing women.
“Their arrests were preceded by the recovery of the stolen vehicle belonging to Gantana, which was found stuck in the mud without any person inside or nearby,” Kinana said.
“Investigators received information that led them to a farm where the suspects were subsequently arrested.
“During the investigation, the detectives discovered that both women had been shot dead.
“It is alleged that their bodies were chopped, burnt and subsequently dumped into a dam nearby the farm at Gcinisa village.”
Kinana said police still had to establish whether the body parts found in the dam were those of the missing two women.
“The human remains have been taken to a nearby mortuary and will be sent to the forensic laboratory.”
The arrested suspects are expected to appear in the East London magistrate’s court on Monday on charges of murder, kidnapping, possession of stolen property and business robbery.
Last Sunday morning Gantana’s neighbours contacted the family, suspecting that something was amiss at [Gantana’s] her house.