Judicial conduct tribunal adjourns judge Makhubele inquiry to May

24 February 2023 - 13:19
By Kgaugelo Masweneng
Suspended judge Tintswalo Makhubele has been accused of violating the Judicial Code of Conduct by #UniteBehind. File photo.
Image: Photo from Judges Matter video Suspended judge Tintswalo Makhubele has been accused of violating the Judicial Code of Conduct by #UniteBehind. File photo.

The judicial conduct tribunal hearing into the conduct of suspended judge Tintswalo Makhubele has been adjourned to May 8.

Evidence leaders requested an adjournment. 

Makhubele is alleged to have violated the separation of powers principle by being both a judge and chairperson of the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (Prasa) board.

She is accused of  advancing corruption and state capture.

On Thursday, Prasa group head for legal, risk and compliance Martha Ngoye testified at the hearing.

Ngoye said Makhubele marginalised the Prasa legal department during the extensive litigation by Siyaya entities. According to Ngoye, Prasa ended up paying a settlement of R56m to Siyaya through a default judgment.